Friday, December 29, 2006

Cool kids gonna get some drugs

As the cool kids go out in a blaze of glory

A very late Friday post. Almost not necessary seeing as though we all have better things to do on a Friday evening. Except me, it would seem. No I posted nothing today and it was eating me up inside. Or that could be the rat poison that bird tried to slip me…Anyway.

As the sun fucks off over the horizon to say “tata” to another year (Well on Sunday it will) we have time to reflect on how well our students have done in the Western Cape. Mind you, not that I care, but the Cape Argus wants to make me care. Yesterday the headline for the Argus was “Top of the class-again” Yippee ki-yay motherfucker, as Bruce Willis would say. To say I’m not in the least interested that these people have not been outdoors in the past year would be an understatement. Maybe deep down I’m a bit jealous that they are going to be working for Donald Trump one day and I’m not(Bullshit I call the cards when it comes to Donald, he would be nothing without me) Maybe I’m jealous that they screwed maths over so hard that the syllabus is changing next year, while maths screwed me over so hard that I changed forever(31% on standard grade for matric-there, I win) After matric maths I was no longer this carefree young lad. Rather I was careless and lost my zest for life for a while. Evidently it came back this year(Well towards the end) and I no longer want to poison myself with the nice smelling Limited Edition blue Sunlight liquid. But yeah, thes people did do well so congratulations. You are going to be getting so much ass it’s unbelievable. Granted it’s going to be ass with the cleaning lady at UCT while working on an actuarial science paper in the dead of the morning while you wonder if the hedge fund could possibly cross reference the JSE bull market in the second quarter. But hey, ass is ass. Keep telling yourselves that.

I love that photo above, it makes those people look so cool. Sorry it's such a poor photo but I'm in a rush to go somewhere. No really I have somewhere to go... The guy in the middle has the obligatory clever kid glasses and all of them have the ultra cool name tags. Shit, I have to get one of those for when I go out tonight. Action, guaranteed. Hot model guaranteed. So yeah guys, congratulations on the results. Congratulations on coming right last night(I hope I’m not being too presumptious) and good luck for the future. Good luck out there, coming right with all the world’s hottest women. And I hope the drugs were good last night, you rebels you…

I just realised this post is really mean. Ahhh fuck it it’s posted already…

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