Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tiger Tiger

Tiger Tiger in Claremont is a place full of beautiful people. I was on the website the other day to check out a photo that was taken of me. I could not help but notice that there were mostly photos of women and they were all belters. I was stunned. Anyway, as you can imagine, I looked for my photo…and I looked…and I looked…and it was not up! Clearly I did not make the grade. I was in another photo but I’m guessing they put it up not because I was in it but because of the other people that were in it. Bastards. I would have got the last laugh if the following situation had happened. A woman, Brazilian, a model, with a sign on her head saying “I want sex” walks up to me and says “You are very sexy man! You want to make sexy with me in my Waterfront apartment? Then maybe travel the world with me on modelling assignment? You will become very famous you know” So, acting all cool and nonchalant I say, with an air of sophistication “Thanks, but I’m already AWESOME, so beat it, BITCH!”

That would be funny. Seriously funny. But it didn’t happen. Sigh…

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