Tuesday, December 26, 2006

MM2's program choice horror

This is related to E-TV’s Mel Gibson whore fest they are deciding to have today. Last night on Movie Magic 2 on DSTV they decided their 8pm movie, on Christmas day, would be “I know what you did last summer” Following this killer film, and appearing at 9:45 pm was “The Skulls 2” Good fuck, what kind of Christmas was it for the kids? I remember when I was a tyke I used to run around like a complete nut the whole day looking for presents. Then I would piss in the car, kick the dog, vomit all my marshmallows up and watch a nice Christmas movie like Home Alone. Evidently things have changed and now kids watch horror movies. Nowadays kids smoke crack and chow ‘shrooms then go watch a horror film. Kind of makes you want to act like you are 5 years old again. Not that I don’t act like that anyway, but you know what I’m saying. Or do you? Nah, me neither. Fuck it, I’m over this article.

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