Monday, December 04, 2006


I am sitting here puzzled by my own thoughts. Because my thoughts are “Why is the world so fascinated with Sudoku?” It seems a rather odd way of wasting time. And people who play it somehow think they are higher up on the intelligence ladder than people who prefer to spend their free time doing constructive things like watching Mission Impossible, playing Playstation and pissing away time on the beach surrounded by models. I don’t care that you can line up numbers in little boxes, diagonally and right across the board or whatever the hell you do in that stupid game. When people hear I don’t play Sudoku the usual reply is “I love it! Here let me show you how easy it is!” Fuck off I don’t want to play your stupid game. And if it is so easy then why are you so clever by playing it? Lot’s of things are easy. Feeding the fish is easy. Filling up with petrol is easy. So by this token, these easy tasks should make the people who do them “clever” just like the Sudoku players. Come on people let’s find other things to do with our time. I like to burn stuff in my spare time and it has wasted many hours of my life but it is fun. When I was in school it was a favourite to burn my text books at the beginning of the year and then see what kind of marks I got at the end of the year without any books. Now that’s productive and fun. Sudoku sucks. So I now declare it “Suckdu” Which is short for “Sucks dude” which is short for “Fucking sucks dude, get a real life”

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