Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"A horse walks into a bar..."

I was watching some shit on TV and it says that Tori Spelling is planning to write a tell all book which will talk about stuff such as plastic surgery and, I think they said this, her fathers will. I stand to be corrected. But who the fuck cares? Tori, no one gives a fuck about those lopsided tits of yours, they look like a set of “hush puppies” trying to run in opposite directions. Clearly you are writing this book to make cash because you only got about a million dollars inheritance. If I had a million dollars I would retire. You, on the other hand don’t seem happy with that money. But you should be happy. Which leads me to the question: “Why the long face?”(I’m going straight to hell for this, check you all there)

I have also just realised that I read a while ago people were saying Britney’s son might have the initials PMS (Something about Preston…Spears) But now it’s worse. It’s Sean Preston Federline. SPF. Fucking sun cream. And he is her “son”. It’s all too bizarre. “Hey there you cute little SPF15…” I’m an idiot.

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