Furthering our reach into the vast world of print and online publishing, you will now (infrequently for now) see that I contribute to a site called The Cool Crowd. It’s just a site full of cool stuff. My first article, which will probably not win me any awards, was about solar panels that have been developed by a South African guy and which are extremely thin(I think about a quarter of the thickness of a human hair). I don’t know how to make this sound more exciting, because it really is not. But it is not supposed to be hilarious, it is just supposed to be informative. My next article which I think I will do this week is going to be on a Breitling watch. I’m just mustering up the energy to go take a photo of the watch at a jeweller. However, knowing what snobs these people are who work at these shops, I am setting myself up for rejection. Whenever they see a twenty something guy wearing cargo shorts and a white T-shirt walk into their shop, they pull out their “We are going to lunch now” card. Or the “Sorry I need my manager to get that watch out of the display” card. Fuck off, just let me put the R200000 watch on my wrist for a photo you idiot. So I will try this week but if I don’t succeed, don’t laugh. Ok you can laugh I don’t mind.
Check the site out: www.thecoolcrowd.net
This is the link to my article: http://www.thecoolcrowd.net/2006/12/06/solar-technology-a-convenient-truth/
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