Friday, December 15, 2006

Scientists are seriously a waste of oxygen

As they tell us bullshit the kid next door already knows

In my ongoing quest to question things that no one else does, I ask this question. You always hear these random facts that you think “Yeah well it’s fucking obvious, even to children” Scientists will do a 4 year, $2 million study on McDonalds and obesity. At the end of it they will say “Excessive consumption of Big Macs will make you fat” Well who would have ever thought, Gabe? I was reading something on news24 about scientists saying that exercise can be a safer way to lose weight than dieting. Instead of doing my usual thing where I write a whole page on what bullshit this is, I’m not going to write anything more about it. I think it’s quite self explanatory how stupid these people are. I will leave you to your own thoughts on this pathetic realisation that these scientists have come to.

On the subject of shit costing money, this whole big report on Diana’s death cost 3.69 million pounds (The pounds sign is not working on my computer), I think it was pounds. But 3.69 million anything is a lot of cash. When they read the findings out on Sky News the one guy said the results were exactly as everyone had suspected. So why do the study? Seriously, waste more money next time why don’t you? Let’s have a big enquiry into why George Bush is SO intelligent. Let’s have an enquiry into why the health minister is so fucking stupid. Come on guys, get over these studies and just let it be…just let it be…

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