Thursday, December 07, 2006

SHOT! From the grassy knoll...

I have just learned from news24 that cabinet ministers who are caught exceeding the speed limit will be fined. I feel like such a fool! All this time I was led to believe that they had “God” imprinted on their foreheads and could do as they please! To quote the article:

Minister Jeff Radebe sped away from the launch of a traffic safety campaign at which he warned that speed caused 75% of road crashes.

Minnaar (Chief Superintendent) said such cavalcades had to speed to prevent their charges becoming “sitting ducks”. “We have to ensure the safety and security of the individual. That is paramount. Now to be able to ensure the person is safe and secure, we have to move the person quickly along the freeway.

Oh of course I feel better now because that explains it all! Is Jeff Radebe afraid that a sniper is going to shoot at him from the grassy knoll? Come on Jeff get over yourself! You’re fucking Jeff Radebe, no one even knows you. The first time I heard your name was in this article. Come on buddy, no one wants to kill you; I can assure you of that. Another thing is, what is with Minnaar’s vocabulary? I point you to the words “cavalcades” “paramount” and the cliché “sitting ducks”. Cavalcades you say? Is it not easier to say motorcade? And sitting ducks? Jeez, you going to be next in the Sports Illustrated under “Cliché watch” if you don’t watch yourself. It should be “sitting fucks” I believe. I am actually stunned that this made it into the news.

In more celebrity bullshit I read an article on Kevin Federline on news24. Wait, before I get into it let me repeat one of his rap lines “They used to call me K-Fed, but you can call me daddy instead” Nice rhymes K-Fed. Now fuck off, you tool. Anyway apparently his album, playing with fire (Note the use of no capital letters), only sold 6500 copies in its first week of release. What I want to know is: Who the fuck are these 6500 people and are they cooked in the head?

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