Thursday, December 07, 2006

Random rubbish post(RRP)

Watch out for these RRP’s. They can, and will, strike at any time. They are not really worth reading, but you will read them anyway. I have that type of writing power where even if I wrote “I live in a microwave”, you would read it. You know you would. Anyhow, in my extensive missions that I make to blogging sites, in order to infiltrate their top brass and get myself ranked at number one, I came across a pearler. Or two actually. A blog called “Beer and TV” and another called “BitchAboutWomen” I never knew that was how you spelled “CHAUVINIST”! Shit guys, is life really kicking you so hard in the balls? I did not visit these sites though because as it stood they were unbelievably ranked higher than me. How did such a crime come to be committed? I have no idea but I’m sure as hell going to find out. Until then, I shall be in stealth mode trying to find the reasons for their rankings. 007

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