So the weather turned shit once again on Saturday and a plan was hatched to visit the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront apartment (God that sounds pompous) of Ross the intern from the ad agency. I won’t mention the ad agencies name, I don’t hand out free advertising unless blank cheques are handed over. It was a small group but we still managed to be filthy as usual. The conversation turned filthy as soon as the girls went inside to discuss lip gloss and Brad Pitt. The coals were lit (Well not really…the gas braai was lit) and we promptly threw another shrimp on the barbee. Gooday mate to that.

From the view, you will see the weather was quite nice. In actual fact it was quite whore-ish. Actually it was not as bad in the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront as it was in Rondebosch. The people on the Waterfront side of the mountain have this unique relationship with the world where if they want the weather to change, it does. It still rained a bit and was cold, but it was a touch better than the other side of the mountain. December and it’s raining in

I was trying to look over the balcony to see if any neighbours were around. Because then I can check to see if the rich womens husbands are at home. If not then I can pull in there, blackmail her and then steal vast amounts of money. There were no neighbours around though so they must all be summering in the
I was quite disappointed with the weather as I had brought a nice chilled white wine to drink, but it ended up giving me brain freeze. If there is any brain to freeze.
I wore shorts which was stupid. It got seriously cold later on and I started to freeze. I survived though, I must be a distant relative of Chuck.
You will also notice that there is quite a lot of building going on. When the new hotel is up it should quickly fill with the world’s hottest women. So we will be visiting Ross’s apartment every day from then on.
Then the one girl who was supposed to arrive didn’t because I heard from Mike she was sick. I could not really hear what Mike was saying because as soon as he said “she’s not coming” I felt my stomach knot up, turn like a cement mixer and then I felt like vomiting. I was going to propose to her right there. Now I’ve lost my nerve, and the ring. Fuck it, my heart is shattered. Pass the superglue.
New Years eve we headed back to Ross’a apartment. New Years turned out disastrous when a 7am sms woke me up saying the party I was supposed to be going to was cancelled when the host, Meg, got sick. Not knowing what do to I was resigning myself to a New Years wondering around the house by myself with a bottle of chilled wine wondering “What has my life come to?” Anyway, then a plan was brought forth by my brother, inviting me to a “Vegas pool party” somewhere in
I headed through there at about 7pm and cracked open a bottle of wine, and we admired the view and how light it was in summer. It was 7pm and I believe the sun was still shining. The night’s best laugh was brought on by a security guard in his speedboat patrolling the water in front of the apartment. Either drunk or high, or both, we watched him drive his boat head on into the railings. I mean come on, how do you crash your boat into the fucking railings! You have virtually an entire ocean to cruise around in and you crash, amazing. Clearly the festive season drugs taking their toll on our mans motor neurons.
We then decided to visit Bascule for one drink before heading to wherever we were going to go. We chilled there and ate all the free nuts and stuff that were given to us. Because if it’s free, it’s for me! Then tiring of the smell of whiskey we wanted something nastier smelling so it was Ross’s clever idea to go stroke the seals, or walruses, or Llamas or whatever the fuck these things were. Photos to follow once I steal Ross’s camera from him. They were making the most incredible noise and it was scaring me, but I think Ross was enjoying touching them for some sick reason. Then Courtney decided she wanted a photo with them as well. I had pictures in my head of me ending up in jail for being an accessory to murder after two Americans in
We then went to Alba to see in 2007. I think the highlight there was asking (Because I’m cheap) these people if I could eat the food that they had not eaten. So I promptly whisked up their platter of spring rolls and all sorts of other nice stuff, and ate like a demon. Fuelled up again I smashed a glass of wine, some more champagne and then was dizzy. The dizziness subsided though when the fireworks went off and some guy decided to set off a flare at the same time. The flare went up, drifted to the left, and landed. In a crowd of people. At a restaurant! Unbelievable! This flare just landed in this whole crowd and I don’t know what happened after that, I could not see. Not because my view was obstructed, but because I had lost those senses already.
After all that, we headed back to the apartment and I went to bed at about 3am while Ross and JP from Bascule stayed up the whole night. When I woke up at 7am they were still trucking. And that was it. A New years that looked disastrous but in the end turned out good. Very good. Indeed I say…
Now it’s time to fire up the Weber. Until then…enjoy the year, it’s going to be great.
I can’t believe I had the composure to write this so early on
New Years day. Amazing.
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