Sometimes I think we don’t question things enough. For example, nobody seems to question Woolworths serving suggestion for their canned peas. I know this may seem insignificant, but it means that through all of Woolworths quality checks, no one has noticed this. This means there are a lot of dumb as shit people in the upper management of Woolworths If you look on a cereal box you will usually see a bowl of the cereal filled with milk. Below the picture it will say something like this: “Serving suggestion: Add low fat milk”
However, upon opening a can of Woolworths tinned peas it shows the peas, still in their pods, with the words “Serving suggestion” below this. How exactly the hell must I serve these peas in their pods? Could someone at Woolworths please explain where I can buy these empty pods? I’m fucking hungry and want to eat but I can’t because I can’t find these pods. Come on Woolworths WAKE UP!
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