Friday, December 08, 2006

Sorry about the photography

I must apologise for the disgusting lack of photography in the last two days. There has been no cheap porn or even crappy photos that I have taken. But the blame for this rest’s on the shoulders of my mate Jiminez Valdez des Santo Juan Sombrero Taco. He is a recent addition to this country after hopping borders for the past couple of years. Anyway he is supposed to be some top end criminal but he can’t even steal me a digital camera. He got caught the other day and is now in prison till God knows when. So I have, in the mean time, been knocking on the doors of neighbours in an effort to raise funds for my camera. This delightful MILF round the corner from me gave me R1000! I feel bad though because she has a husband and kids, and I know I am going to need to return the money sometime. But as my bank won’t allow it, I am going to have to pay her back in non-monetary values…cough cough…if you know what I mean. But anyway I’m going to buy the cameras and then I’m moving house because I don’t want to be known as the “Neighbourhood home wrecking he-bitch”

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