In what has evidently been my most treacherous, harrowing mission yet, I went to Tokai this morning to get you these pictures. Throwing caution to the wind and entering gates that had no entry signs on them, I risked my life. I also risked the Ebola virus,
What I did not get a photo of was this eagle/hawk type looking bird. I see it every time I am there, on the exact same rock but whenever I get near it flies away. Clearly it knows danger when it sees it.
I got a nice picture of Hout Bay (Or as Afrikaners from up country call it “Wood Bay” They translate it into English for their English friends) When I took that photo I thought to myself “It’s early in the morning, the beach is empty, I bet some foreign models are tanning topless” I’m going to check it out later.
As you can see the gates were clearly marked with no entry signs but I live life on the edge everyday so I bust through them like a man possessed. I had to dodge fire from land, sea and air from the SANDF but I survived, like true heroes do.
You will also notice a photo of a winding road, very similar to the Tour de France, only I’m a better rider. I mean that’s quite clear I think.
There is also a photo of myself just gazing over the land and admiring all that I have conquered. I caught myself off guard taking that photo, promise I was not posing.
Then some other news. On the way back I saw the same guy on
What a day, what a day.
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