Thursday, December 21, 2006

This man had a fun time being bullied at school(What a fun, inspiring, totally original, front page headline grabbing headline)

I post this on a Thursday night as Friday morning brings me new challenges. Chatting to Thabo, delivering a key note speech to congress, interviewing the governator. As you know this is all bullshit and I merely post this now because then I don't have to in the morning and there is a gap on TV now where there is shit on and I'm waiting for Conan to start because he seems to be the only good thing going on in the world at the moment. Other than snorting coke off a dead hooker. Jokes. Seriously that was a joke. Don't think for one second that I would do that. Yeah so while I wait for Conan, who is the man, with some stupid plan, leading the pale clan. Whatever, here's what I meant to say.

I always like to browse through the Sports Illustrated every month because I have a subscription to it and feel that I should read it. Being far too lazy to actually read the mind bending articles that delve deep into the science of sport, I look at the articles that even your shit for brains red haired stepchild could understand. And so it was that yesterday afternoon I came upon a little snippet that I laughed at. I tell you, I have not laughed that much since I was a little girl. This article and the Swimwear calendar that came with it were worth the entire year’s subscription rate.

A baseballer named Russel Jay Kunts actually exists. However, his friends nicknamed him rusty. Rusty Kuntz. Fucking Rusty Kuntz.

Let me repeat that last line




Now to those of you who don’t find this funny, then I cannot help you. To those of you who don’t even understand the joke, you have absolutely no hope. I suggest when they do these first space tourist trips that you book a ticket to space. Then while you are out there jump out the capsule and find your way to the moon, because maybe you will be accepted there with welcoming arms. And to those who know what’s going on, can you handle it? I personally can’t.

And lastly to Rusty. Rusty you will be in my prayers forevermore. I feel the shame you must have felt over these years. Must be a bit shit though if your wife is called Regina. Not pronounced Re-gee-na. The other pronunciation. Shame on your ancestors who had this ghastly name. Or Imagine your name was Richard and people called you “Dick”. Dick Kuntz. This is too much for me. So Rusty, your life must be one big joke, but it could have been worse. Dick Kuntz marries Regina Fokker. Ok, maybe a little overboard. Anyway, later Kuntz. (Um…I’m talking to Rusty)

Anyway, later (Now I’m talking to my readers)

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