Saturday, November 11, 2006

“You’ve got mail”

I don’t know if you can judge a country by the sms’s people send into magazines but if you can then my country is going to the dogs. I was taking a look through the “You’ve got mail” section in the YOU magazine dated 9 November 2006. Now this was purely for research purposes. The one sms that caught my eye was “Confused as a chameleon in a box of smarties” No name was left and it was the most random message I have ever seen in my life. I mean for fuck sakes have you got nothing better to do than to send some bullshit message into a magazine? Get a life, get out the house, do something! Fuck. The next message read “The cost of living is expensive yet it is still popular” Um…yeah…well…I do enjoy life so I choose to live. No name was left either. The magazine should offer free counseling to these people because they are fucked! The “You’ve got mail” section in YOU is like Jerry Springer compressed into 160 characters. And it’s not even as cool as Jerry because there is no crowd to chant “Jerry, Jerry!” I mean you don’t watch Jerry Springer for his good looks or for the quality of the people on his show. Do these people who send these messages in actually think anyone cares what they have to say? Maybe some people do but I don’t and that’s the last time I read that shit. Realise.

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