Sunday, November 12, 2006

Personal number plates

Cape Town is full of people who think they are models, celebrities and whatever else they think of themselves. So to honour these seriously vain and shallow people I thought we should all start looking out for the worst personal number plates in Cape Town. If you are from out of Cape Town that’s cool also, send those plates in. It’s obviously hard to get photo’s of them when you driving (naturally) so just remember them and send them in. I must start looking out for them but two that come to mind are: “4U2NV” which is obviously "For you to envy" You fucking with me, right? Are you so shallow that you actually pay for this number plate? I guess so. Why not save that R2000 or whatever it is and get yourself a makeover. Because you look like a wank. Then there was the classic “STRESSED” For the love of Tom Cruise, who pays for this shit? You actually stress me out just by getting that plate made. Do you think by letting everyone know that you are stressed that we are going to pay you money and send you free petrol? Fuck off.

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