Monday, February 19, 2007

We have a response

Yes, we have a response to my thing on Joblog. As I said, no offence, but hey we have to say these things. Look, our guys at ChumpStyle are probably going to win as well, and all we see on their pages are tits and ass.

Seriously, if we had to make this constructive, we could say that Joblog need to be more in depth, more funny, bring a sense of humour to it all. Why not write about what's happening at work? Work is always where all the shit happens. Why not use this to make your posts crazy? Put a couple of photos up of that stuff?

It's not Cape Town's fault that the beach calls us 24 hours a day and that we are so chilled out that we can laugh at ourselves. I think I am allowed to not like a site. I know the guys at Joblog don't like 2oceansvibe, because Seth has mentioned them before when they were mentioned in a magazine, and how all their posts were about traffic in Joburg. 2oceansvibe happen to be pretty good, and Seth has a sense of humour like no other. Maybe that's why not everyone likes him. Maybe that's why Joblog don't have them in their listings. Maybe Joblog do in fact read his blog(I think they do) and do in fact laugh out loud. Maybe...Maybe we all need a beer, a laugh, an "Oh my fuck I'm an idiot, I can't believe I said that about so and so's site" moment, a moment where we run in the vast fields outside Cape Town picking daisies, smearing Johnson's Baby Cologne on ourselves(I actually did this today, marvellous. I smell like a baby. Chicks love it). Wow, I totally lost it there.

And yes I do think an online encyclopedia is stupid. Wikipedia is dumb. I said it. You probably think I am stupid. But that's because I am. I don't hate people for this, this is their opinion. And I can handle people saying that to me. You think I am a tit. You're not the only one. I think so as well. I call my friends thing's like tit's and other disgusting whore names all day, and we dig it. That's the benefit of having Foetal Alcohol Syndrome like we do.

And the thing about the noose? That was a joke. I wouldn't really do it. In fact maybe I would if I won an award for best Business Blog, because I don't deserve that.

You see with Cape Town humour, you cannot win. Because we will laugh it off. Look at our boy Justin Nurse from Laugh It Off, he wins everytime! Do you think he would be such a legend if he didn't just laugh it off? I don't think so. In fact, he went to the same school as me. Maybe that's where the humour comes from. Maybe it's from all those years the school locked us in the basement as punishment. I don't even know where this post is going.

What I will say is in the previous post that first paragraph with the word "albeit" actually made no sense. I was getting ahead of myself with the wording and it didn't work. Clearly no one noticed though.

Well next time we go to Joburg maybe we will visit the Joblog people, maybe they are not bad, maybe they can laugh, maybe they will get over our previous post. I'm pretty damn sure Joblog don't think I should win, and they can say that. Seriously, I won't mind at all. I'm not going to be a complete tool to them if I see them though.

I may think Tony Leon is boring, but I was not a tool to him when I served him food at the embassy. I don't hate him. I don't hate the Joblog people, and I know their site is not supposed to be about laughing 24 hours a day. In any case, it's not like I reach the numbers Seth does, and so my voice is nothing.

Hell, do I think I might win? Probably not. Do I deserve an award for best blog? Probably not. But fuck it, it's been a laugh and 2oceansvibe will probably win. Because Seth has a slight advantage. As does Splattermail, because I suppose, it's really funny. In a sick way sometimes.

Actually come to think of it Seth's is an actual website, which technically keeps him out of the running.

I say we laugh, have a beer, a joint, a tik bulb, a crack pipe, whatever your thing is and chill out. This is easy to say as I look over the sea in Blaauwberg, with a brewskie in my left hand, my piece in my right hand(Jokes) and the ocean before me.

I think I know someone who wants to be seeing an ocean right now... I think I do! I see you wishing that the ocean was before you like it is before me

That's it I'm out, see you all tomorrow, when the anger has quelled(Update me on the meaning of this)

Oh, and about your comment about me not posting your comment on the Wikipedia thing, I have never ever rejected a comment. It obviusly did not come through. I only keep comment moderation on for people getting really my friends. I don't mind posting things where people say they don't like me. Not everyone can love us. And you said you are not taking this post(Previous one) seriously. You were not supposed to. Did anyone take it seriously? Does anyone take this blog seriously? I don't think we do? Do you?

I have just been to Joblog, and seen that they have written an article on me. That's what I'm talking about! That's all we ever want, a little mention here and there. You see, by mastering the art of trash talking, you create more visitors to your site. Yes, I have been reading your guys site, you probably know that, and you should not have written an article on me, because this creates interest in me(Ok, possibly of the wrong kind). I know you guys get lot's of visitors, I know exactly what your site is about, and that's why the trash talk started. Just wanting to steal a reader or two. Maybe no one will like us. That's cool, then we still don't lose. Do you think I would be posting things like this if I was at the top like the other blogs, who get thousands of hits a day? No I wouldn't. You guys know this.

Ok I highly doubt we are going to gain any Joblog supporters, but hey if you are from Joblog, and dig the vibe, welcome! My previous post was a bit of cheap marketing for myself, and I promise the posts from now on won't be about Joblog and how bad they are, because I do in fact read them. Nothing like free marketing. I'm sick of getting 10 hits a day, and I thought a bit of publicity would be good.

You guys must master the art of trash talking. You know when Seth mentions you guys that it is a good thing. Do you realise how many fights Muhammad Ali won, even before they had started, just by trash talking? Billions. Trash talking wins competitions, maybe it will win us this one. As my friend Ali said "Keep it real"

No he didn't say it and he's not my friend, but it would have made a good end to my article.

I think I handled myself quite well here. AGAIN!

Let me now bask in my ego driven glory.

Ok I have to go now.

I love lamp.

I love kettle.

Keep it real. And please...laugh


Don said...

Free marketing never hurt anyone. Glad to see you're not gonna hang yourself and you actually do read what we have to say, although, I did provide the noose if you're still up for it... ;)

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time it was reading this. You are the least funny person in the world.