Monday, February 12, 2007

That's fucked up!

I can't say I'm too intrigued by this whole Anna Nicole Smith thing. Yeah it's sad she died, but come on, did no one see it coming with all the drugs she was clearly taking?

Anyway, one of the more fucked up stories that has been circulating the internet, is the one of her and her son. Now it's so fucked up I don't even know if I should mention it. So I will.

What our conspiracy theorists brothers are telling us is that Anna actually slept with her son, who died a while back. So her baby, whatever it's name is, is the product of Anna and her son. So Anna's son is actually the father of her new baby! So this daughters brother is actually her dad! Are you getting my point?

Now obviously this is not true, but they say Anna was freaked out about this which led to her death.

I just can't help but thinking that there are people out there with too much time on their hands. I have plenty of time on my hands, but that is just excessive.

That's all(I learnt this line in The Devil Wears Prada. You can't use it. Only I can)

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