This is copied straight from Yahoo news:
PEQUANNOCK, N.J. - Some teenagers who drink over the weekend could be in big trouble come Monday morning: A New Jersey school district plans to institute random urine tests capable of detecting whether alcohol was consumed up to 80 hours earlier.
Pequannock Township High, with about 800 students, said it will begin administering the tests next Monday.
That is just being stupid. What is the point of doing a test that will pick up booze up to three days later, when the student is sober? Let the kids get fucked up on a Friday night, it's what everyone else has done through the ages and we turned out alright(Well, nearly) Can you imagine getting in trouble at school on a Monday for getting wasted on Friday night? My whole school would have been suspended. This is a stupid rule that makes no sense to anyone.
That also means you can't have a little tipple at school like my friend Mike used to do. Occasionally he would drink this chinese beer as teachers were walking past because it looked like cooldrink. What. A. Legend.
Let them fuck a bottle of Jack up on the weekend if they want to.
This is ridiculous
If this comes to S.A schools our education system will crash entirely
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