I'm really so into the South African band thing at the moment that it's crazy. It all started on Thursday night after watching Plush play at Sobhar. It blew my mind, again, at how good they are live. Seriously, how they don't get more airtime on the radios is a mystery. Granted, I don't listen to the radio much, but hey, my iPod works overtime.
Currently, I believe Plush are trying to get their song "Grace grew tall" onto 5fm's playlist. To be honest, 5fm play shit music, and if this song made it on, I have no doubt that it will clean up in the charts. What they want is for people to e-mail 5fm asking them to play "grace grew tall" and so pressure them to playlist it. I listened to it last night, and even as I write, it gives me shivers, realising what awesome music they are making. Go to Rory's(Lead singer, guitar) Myspace page at www.myspace.com/roryeliot to check out for updates on what's happening. You can also check them out at www.plush.us The Plush US site is out of date but you can still get the details there so you can e-mail various radio stations asking them to play Plush. "Grace grew tall" is the one that is looking to be playlisted, so that's the name to send in.
You can also listen to "Grace grew tall" on their Myspace page. I did. I still am. Awesome. Listening to them live has flipped my life upside down. Shit damn it's good.
I'm also currently listening to Seether and Just Jinjer, two other great SA bands, now based overseas. Damn their music is good. I don't support bands just because they are South African, but rather because they are good at what they do. I have listened to some gig's here and have nearly been put to sleep, just because the words seem to mean nothing to me.
So check out the Myspace page, listen to the song, request it on 5fm and rock out. They are also playing live in town on the 9th and 10th of March for a live recording they are doing. Will keep you up to date. It should be awesome.
The photo above is of Rory, with that enigma, The Incredible Schalk, at Alba in the Waterfront, with Schalk looking incredibly happy. Now that's good times...
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