I just emptied out my post box, and found this note in it. If you're deeply religious, you may want to go to another happier site, like Bunniesplayinginthegrass.com(Actually this could be porn) Anyway, I have an apparent disregard for the religious people who put this crap in my letter box. The front page says:
The seafarer was wrecked almost at the foot of the Mouille Point light house. A light house does not call you towards it. It says, Look out! Danger ahead. This is false bay, or dangerous rocks ahead. STAY AWAY!
Jesus says, Matt. 11.28, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
COME TO ME, all you who...then the blabber continues on the next page.
I am loving their use of capital letters in the last section, to convey SHOUTING. Like they are ANGRY.
I also highly doubt the credibility of this story. I highly doubt the Mouille Point light house was around way back when. In fact I highly doubt Mouille Point was around then. In fact, this whole story sounds false. Shit, using a false story to bring us God's word. I'm APPALLED! SHOCKED!
Stop putting this stuff in my post box, now next time postie comes round to drop my mail order Thai boy, he will not fit in because it will be packed with all your preaching letters. And my life is nothing without my monthly Fed Ex of a Thai boy. $1, packaging and shipping included.
Now that's good times.
Tisk tisk...
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