Look living like I do is not always the easiest thing and so one or two days go by where I don't write, eat, drink, smoke weed, the normal everyday things.
For instance, on Tuesday I was forced by forces beyond my control to head down to the pool at Kelvin and put my body on the line in the sun. Fuck it was great. Then yesterday morning I was up at 5am to leave for a mountain bike ride. I started riding at about 5:50 and the photo above was taken at 6:21. So life is not always easy, it's very busy sometimes. Then in the afternoon I headed to Kelvin again where I once again put the vibe out, smashed a cooldrink, watched a spot of cricket and did some very deep thinking. I actually thought of something two days ago that is so remarkable, so intriguing, so marvellous and so original that I have only told myself. I don't want to let the secret out in case the idea is stolen. Often people steal lines that I use. For instance one year when I was kicking it old school in Rome with my homeboys, we were sitting at a table in a restaurant and the waitress asked "Would you like another glass of wine, Barron Lloyd?" To which I replied, "Well, when in Rome" This caught on very quickly and now everyone uses it.
Often when people meet me they say "Good God, I thought you only existed in myth!" And so this makes life even more challenging, having to explain to the mad crowds that I am indeed just like other people. I also make money grow on trees, pull Brazilian supermodels and have a slight addiction to various chemicals. So you see I am just like you.
I am suffering from a mild case of heat and sleep exhaustion and so the above was written while I was partially blacked out. I took a tablet to wake up but I by mishtake shlipped myshelf a roofie...I'm tired now I musht go...bye by
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