Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Seriously, I've called it

Ok this whole Joblog has been totally blown out of proportion and seems to have taken up the better part of 24 hours. If you recall a previous post, I have called it. It's over. Let's keep our pants on, boys.

Urk still posted more comments on my "No offence, but" post, and said something about the fact that I should visit a link he gave and he would give me an ice cream. Ok. Seriously, no offence but...I'm allergic to milk so I have to turn this offer down. I did visit the link though and I quite enjoyed it, so shot for that. Now if we could all turn our minds to other important things that would be great. To reiterate, I have called it. But it did get some comments on Joblog, glad we got some people talking. there were 16 comments to their post on me, which is quite admirable. Over such a small matter though, that was supposed to be chilled out. I knew some guys from Joblog might see my post because I had commented on their posts before, and left my link. Now I've been called a tit, a doos, idiot, little boy, lad. Jesus, that's enough for one day. But I'm from Cape Town, we can handle it. These things slip right through our mind when we realise what an awesome place we live in(Photo above, Noordhoek)

Anyway I'm totally over it now. Pics of the Simons Town train trip to follow, not that anyone is viewing us anymore.

Anyway, that's me, take it easy.


Don said...

No probs dude. Nothing wrong with a little banter to get the heart racing.

Urk said...

jeez, man. i didnt know you were allergic to milk. how about a sorbet?

Party boy said...

That could do, never quite got why I would get an ice cream for visiting the link, but thanks nonetheless. I must keep that link in mind, maybe I will check it out right now again.