I love it when my sister visits, she is actually quite sweet really. She always likes to surprise The Honourable Sean with a YOU magazine or two. The latest one was placed ever so gently in my cycling helmet(Bell Sweep Road, 2006 model, just to name drop) It was like a gift from the God's. The gossip God's.
In the back pages, which are the only ones worth reading, was a picture of Donald Trump, who we shall call Big DT, and his son Barron.
No I am not fucking with your head, his name is Barron. Seriously, no fucky fuckying around this time.
Barron Trump.
That is amazing. That's like naming my sweet child, Honourable(In reference to Scary Movie, with the guy with the gimp hand going "Sweet child!" Or in reference to Axl "Fuckin'" Rose's song "Sweet child o' mine") It's totally off the hook. Totally.
But the photo of him is amazing, he is getting a combover just like his pops, Big DT. Craziness.
Then even more worrying is the quote by The Don(I will call him a different name at will and no one can stop me) saying "Barron is strong and smart" Jesus! He's like, not even two years old!
No pressure on him then to become a tycoon. Can you imagine how the Donster (You can't do anything about this) would flip his lid if Barron turned into the next K-Fed(Who, by the way, you can now call "Daddy" instead)
The opportunities at turning this story into a book are endless so I shall just stop now. Back the fuck up, Sean. Go sit down.
That's better.
In a side note: I'm quite enjoying this site www.tmz.com where you can find as many celebrity photos as you will. I'm currently on Orlando Bloom and Jake Gyllenhaal...Okay that was a weird moment there.
Seriously though if you search for me on that site you will probably find a couple of photos.
Type in "Sean Lloyd White Speedo"
Absolutely thrilling
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