Well the whole Simons Town trip did materialise, with myself and about 15 other slackers deciding that a train trip from Rondebosch to Simons Town would be a fantastic idea.
We ended up getting off the train at Kalk Bay, so we would have a bit more time to chill. We probably should have left earlier, but we have a whole year ahead of us. A whole lifetime in fact. Endelss summer, oh yeah. Then as we stepped off we were presented with our home from homes, Cape Towns CBD, The Brass Bell. We literally stepped out the carriage into Brass Bell, now that is a good concierge service! Very impressed. Unfortunately when we arrived they were not properly open and we could not order drinks unless we had exact change. Fuck. One beer less for me. Some boys went for a little smoke, as you will see by the photo. And if you smoke, you will know that that is NOT how you smoke a cigarette. Enough said. Good times.
The train trip was bizarre though, you meet so many weird people! There was some stoner dude(No not one of us), cruising through the carriage, dreadlocks and all, with a beer in his hand just taking it easy. With no shirt on. Then there were some other drunks, who kind of got a bit irritating, taking our video camera(A proper one, not a handheld) and making their own video with it. Onto the cutting room floor.
Then there were some old people and some, quite evidently, regulars. Everyone seemed to know each other, giving high fives as they walked on board. The bar is great, and is the only way to travel. I would not consider travelling on the train without that bar. It sends out a good vibe.
I know we are not really encouraged in SA to ride the train, for safety reasons, but shit we had a good time. Look I would not take the train alone, or at night, but this carriage is decent. There is a bar there and so there are people watching, and there is a restaurant next door, and the people are quite respectable.
It would actually not be a bad idea to take the train from Rondebosch to Simons Town, then all the way back to Cape Town and then back To Rondebosch. Just ride the train, meet some people, gain new perspective on things. It's like one big party on there.
I reckon a carriage strictly devoted to partying should be introduced, where you can hire out the carriage. You would go completely mad, it's that much fun. So next time you are taking the train, remember to take “Biggsy's Restaurant Carriage” Shit, imagine taking that bad boy to work? It would be nuts. You would arrive completely hammered and not give a shit if you get fired. Hell, I would get fired just so I can get on the train again.
And it only cost us R17 each for the trip.
I wish you were all there.
Reminds me of the song by Johnny Cash, Folsom Prison Blues
“I hear that train a coming, it's rolling round the bend...”
Good times.
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