About a week ago there was news that a raging bull of a fire was meandering through Malibu and destroying all the rich people's houses. I never saw much of it on the news and because I had no internet, I could not look it up. So I went on the net now to see what all the fuss was about and I came across a quote that had me crying, because some people are just too wealthy, and stupid it would seem. This is from Suzanne Somers', the actress:
“My nature is to look at the glass half-full,” Somers said in a statement. “I truly believe we will learn something great from this experience.”
No. Come on. Stop with this glass half full, half empty bullshit. The way I see it if you are filling a glass with water and stop halfway, then the glass is half full. If you are drinking from the glass(Thus emptying it) and you stop half way, then it is half empty. How the fuck people relate a glass to life is beyond me. Anyone if you must relate this experience to something that is just made from melted sand or something, I would confidently say that the glass is fucked. The glass has once again been turned into sand and is of no use to anyone. Now they say Somers' home is a total loss. What can she learn from this? Honestly? Well if you ask me she could learn to build a fireproof house. She could learn to get home quicker and put the fire out with a bucket. Or she could just learn that there is fuck all to learn when your house has been trashed. I want to get in contact with her publicist and ask her "Tell me now, what did Suzanne learn?" Because I think she learnt that living in a house surrounded by flammable bushes is one hell of a bitch
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