The morning was started with a run from the Sea Point pool to Clifton with Mike. Women watched in admiration as these two athletes passed them by, leaving them in a wake of burnt out Nike Shox and creatine. It was a relaxing morning until I decided I should have a look at the Saturday Weekend Argus.
There on the front page was Slim himself, Tony Yengeni. Clearly going overboard(And totally off the hook) on the Atkins craze(Which was SO last year Tony) he decided to slaughter a bull to celebrate his release from prison. A fucking bull! Last time I celebrated something, I think I did a Woolworths chicken in the Weber. But Tony took the bull by the horns when it came to celebrating. He went insane.
Apparently Tony stabbed the bull and then some dudes finished it off properly. Clearly Tony is going absolutely off his rocker on Atkins, so next time he's in prison he is all muscular and can call the shots. Because not only did a bull see it's chops, they slaughtered two sheep as well! Fucking good grief. And it was all done in his parents front garden! Clearly still lazy as shit(Evident by the Weber in his stomach) he decided the meat fest would be held at the folks so he does not have to clean up the 400 litres of blood that no doubt spewed everywhere.
Apparently they then drunk beer(And no doubt got completely fucked out of their trees)
Shit, being released from prison actually looks quite fun. Enjoy the hangover and gout attack, Tony.
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