Judging by the headlines in the Daily Voice, the whole of Cape Town has a slight tik(Tik is crystal meth) problem. Yes, that includes you and me. Tik keeps Cape Town tikking(Like ticking...dude) Evidently if you have a habit to support, you can't always be doing drugs at home. I mean, I like to take my tik on the road. I like to tik in the car, at the beach, out kicking it at the clubs, footskating, hanging out with my mates, cycling and the list is endless. However one place we are banned from tikking in is Kenilworth centre.
I saw this sign outside the rooftop entrance and was shocked. It says it is a drug free mall. I nearly believed it until Friday afternoon and this guy came out while I was trying to take a photo of the sign. He came out and said “Take a photo of me first” Which I did, because he looked so happy and carefree. Knowing that people are not usually crazy with excitement till the Friday cocaine train starts at about 5:30pm, I knew the secret to his happiness. He was tikking. Fuck it was great. He was tikking, I was tikking, you were tikking, old lady Bernice down at the church was tikking. God, we were all having a gay old time. Marvellous. Marvellous times indeed. I love Cape Town.
If you click on the photo for a bigger view you will also see there is a picture of a shoe with a red line through it. So I take it shoes are banned as well. Odd. It also says no cameras. Shit, broke that rule. Actually I broke the no drugs, no shoes and no cameras rule. Now that's how you spell “rebel”
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