Just doesn’t sound kosher
I have wanted to write this article for a while but I was just too embarrassed. There is this book store in Canal Walk and it’s called “CUM” Can you fucking handle this? Do you know how much nerve it took to stand like a stupid tourist on the top rails at Canal Walk and take this photo? It took nerves of iron ore. Titanium even. People were looking at me like a fool. I could not help but laugh when I was taking this photo and I bet people thought “God, just grow up already” But I can’t see how you can’t laugh at this! And to make matters twice as bad, I think it’s a Christian book store! UN-BEE-LIEVABLE! When you are thinking of a name for a Christian book store, can you not just try another acronym? What does CUM stand for? I’m guessing Christian United Mullets. But why not call it something like Christian Books Incorporated, CBI? What is wrong with CBI? On the other hand (the left hand) what is right with CUM? It’s just so wrong I can’t begin to describe it. I don’t even want to spend anymore time on this. But wait…I must spend more time on it. Because it just occurred to me that if this shop was located next to the shoe store in Cavendish, aptly named Spitz, that they would make the sickest combination! That is disgusting, but I’m laughing! I just beg you to look at the photo and ponder the reasons for this name. It’s all too much for me, once again, and I need to go for a swim at The Kelvin Grove pool, and when I have recovered, I will try writing something else.
Think about it now
Good grief
Now go take a nap. Go watch the cricket. Forget you ever read this.
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