Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Stuff I need to tell you

For a while now I have been a little embarrassed at having my site hosted at .blogspot.com. It's a great place and has served me well but like a bitchy mother in law, it's time to move on from blogspot. When we change over to .com in the near future it will allow me to access any place I like. The other day I wanted to write some articles that required research but I thought "Jesus how embarrassing would it be to say that I'm from www.partyboy52.blogspot.com" It's horrendously embarrassing. And it's also exciting because it reminds me of the .com start ups that make a billion dollars. Like YouTube. Granted YouTube actually invented a new technology but fuck it, who says NewsCorp won't one day buy us out for a billion dollars? Hey, it could happen.

Then onto the J&B Met on the 27th January in Cape Town. I nearly fell off my perch the other day when I received an invite to a party hosted by David Zeeman (Of CultureLab @ YDE: www.culturelab.co.za) I was at his same party last year and it was honestly the only place to be at the Met. It ended with Rory Mitchell still playing the decks while a security guard tried to move him away saying that we had to cut the music off at a pathetic time, I think it was 5pm. But this year it's going to be crazy with Red Bull and shit and just 100% pure excess to the max. Only 100 tickets were sold and I believe it is taking up four sites which is too much for me to handle. It should be full of food, booze, dirty girls and only a party like Zeeman can host. I will definately do a write up on the aftermath of sunburn and intoxication.

That's all for now children

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