Look I've probably seen the Paris Hilton video way too many times to count, but that's not the point of this story. And I know you all know about this website because everyone has been talking about it. I heard it on E! News and so the whole world knows by now. I think the site surfaced on Tuesday or something. I nearly did not write on it but I came at this story from another angle. Genius. Again.
Go to www.parisexposed.com and you will, for about $39, be able to see all sorts of Parys's rubbish that was left in a storage facility and bought by someone when Parys did not pay her storage bill. There are videos, photos, diary entries and all sorts of other rubbish. The person who owns the site must be making an absolute killing from it. God, I wish I was him. Holidaying in the Bahamas, model at your side, all because you bought some of Paris's stuff. Shit life is unfair. Anyway I thought the photo of the guy with the cocaine on his chest was just classic! Have you ever seen so much blow in your life, it's so excessive! The cocaine train has steam rolled that guy into another dimension. It is just hilarious the things you can do when you have so much money. Cocaine in your coffee...glorious.
Then of course there is a photo of Parys with her tits out. No surprise there really. I have seen all there is to see of Parys(And you have too no doubt...you devils) yet it still excites me when a site like this comes up. It's like Christmas in January, for the second time! Before I completely lose the plot here, and lose my composure, I will sign out.
I still wish I owned that site. Bastards. A move to L.A is imminent for me...
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