Generally I try not post photo's of women on this site because that does not count as having a site. You only need half a brain to type in "Hot chicks" on Google and then download those photo's onto your site. That's a fucking stupid way of getting traffic to your site. I take the way of writing to get people on my site, hence the remarkably slow hit rate we have. However I believe this photo has to be seen. I have never in my life ever seen a woman look so fine. I'm scared though because I fear every woman I see from now on will be compared in my mind to Gisele and they will never match up to her. I want Gisele. This photo is from the Pirelli calendar. Never before has a tyre brand been so appealing. And listen to this...the VR3 rolls on Pirelli. Maybe we could partner up sometime in the future...you know send me on a special assignment to the Pirelli shoot. I'm just throwing that out there if any Pirelli reps are listening...
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