Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm posting this because I have nothing else to do

So last night it was back to work on articles to write and to boost my creativity in making every article I write funny, I decided that a pre-work strategy would be to head down to Woolworths, browse their selection of wine and head home, inspired once again. So I chose some Late Harvest and a Chenin Blanc which was quite nice. I'm actually writing this post as I drink it but I'm writing it in the sense that I'm looking back over this evening, if you know what I'm saying. I have articles lined up for the year ahead that will have magazine editors hunting me down saying “Please oh please will you freelance for us” The answer is no I will not freelance for you. As I said yesterday, the days of our .com world takeover are looming and it's leaving me quite jittery and excited. Nothing a R23 bottle of wine can't fix. Today is a tricky day. I'm still learning to load photo's onto my new operating system and because I have not yet learnt how to do this, I am forced to rack my brain for articles that don't require photo's which is tricky when a the Chenin Blanc I am drinking is nearly finished and I still have no ideas. Tomorrow I will go for a drive, with Phil Collins and some other old crooners playing through my iPod and I will generate enough articles that I will not have to write for the rest of the year. Until then, take it easy. I'm signing out before my chair rolls from beneath me and I spill my wine. Which would be a complete waste.

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