Saturday, April 14, 2007

Who are SL trying to be?

I have only ever bought Student Life once before, and that is the June 2006 issue. It is obviously aimed at students but the language goes over the top in the stereotyping way and gets embarrassing, which is probably the reason that I don't know anyone who reads the magazine. Students might seem dumb, but they actually have a fair amount of intelligence, believe it or not. And the language SL uses, caters towards the students who are so fucking stupid that I doubt they can read, negating the need for the magazine(Ok...I'm taking a harsh line here, but this magazine is mad)

In the letters section they say "You clever low-slung-jean-wearing irony-mullet-sporting guys have been sending in some cover mash up's that we schmaaked quite a bit"

Are they trying to mindfuck me right here? Who actually uses the word "schmaak"? Are they serious? Because this is not funny, it's quite embarrassing. The scary thing is the writers and editors are probably in their late 20's, and they are using words that they think students use. If a student used these words, I doubt he would be a student. I think this person would be a "drop out"

Highly embarrassing SL.

Another headline for something is "Ja lank"

Ja, like, lank bru, fuck off with your kak language SL.

Then they have a column type thing saying whats cool and what's not cool. In the not cool, or "down" as they call it, they put in the word "hectic"

Yeah, so hectic is out, but lank is in? Alrighteeeeeeee then...

I looked through the mag, and it's not too bad, but I don't think I would spend R19 on it again. In fact I won't. Not that it matters, just thought I'd let you know. Just throwing it out there. Use it. Lose it. Kick sand in my face when next you see me on Llandudno.

Now go buy GQ.

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