Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Smith, you beauty!

You may know I have a mild fascination with Graeme Smith and his ability to booze and eat pies, and yet still be captain of the SA cricket side. You might enjoy this article on the Proteas getting all fucked up. I certainly did.

You might enjoy this quote from him quickly:

"I don't know what it is like to be seriously under the influence of liquor, so I can't say whether some of the players were seriously under the influence"

God, you're a comedian! You don't know what it's like to be really drunk? Must have forgotten the time you injured your ankle while "running" then?

That's good times.

Enjoy the Caribbean, it looks spectacular.

Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus H. That porky little fibber. He doesn't know what its like to be "seriously under the influence" because he gets so wasted his mind blocks it all out. He probably also has amnesia from the pain of getting his little chubby dumped by Minki VanderWEPThuizen!