Thursday, April 05, 2007

We are alerted to a super phenomenon

In my post below "The TBG eludes us not" I had a comment from Cape Town's favourite son, Shaun Oakes. In case you did not read the comment, here it is:

Actually Sean,

There is another slightly lesser-known but infinitely more powerful TBG operating in Cape Town.

In a recent study by scientists at UCT, it was concluded that if Barry (the Token Black Guy) and 2oceansvibe's Tall Blonde Guy ever ended up in the same place, the resulting mesh of super-energy would cause a black hole, throwing the Earth back into the 60's.

How fucking mad would that be? My parents won't even speak to me about the 60's. Everytime I ask my mom, she goes and washes the dishes(I don't know what the FUCK she was doing out the kitchen in the first place) When I ask my dad, he goes outside and repacks his pipe and smokes it until I leave. I wonder what happened in the 60's? Whatever it was, it's been kept a secret from me.

Let's see that the Token Black Guy and the Tall Blonde Guy meet, so that we can experience the decadence and excess of the 60's for ourselves.

Come on people, let's do this for me, for US!

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