That's right, I read somewhere, but don't take it as the truth, that Bar Rafaeli is pregnant with some "King of the World's" son. Amazing. To think, had I been 19, or however old Leo was in Titanic, I would have got the role as Jack. I would have painted Rose naked. I would have hooked Gisele. I would have a little runt running around whose mother is Bar Rafaeli and whose father is KING OF THE WORLD! But now I'm nothing(Currently, not for long) I mean, people recognise me, but I don't exactly have Leo's paycheck or Leo's girlfriend. It's all very heartbreaking. Oh well, I'm going to have to go touch naughty girls at Tiger tonight to console myself.
And Kate Moss is engaged. Further proof that the world is not the place it used to be when people were tripping on acid in the 70's. Ahhhh...good times.
UPDATE: I just read on The Superficial that the pregnancy story is a lie. But it's a good story so I'm sticking to it. I didn't write it for nothing you know.
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