Saturday, April 07, 2007

What happened at Tiger on Thursday?

Thursday was quite an enjoyable night with Charlie, Dustin, and Dustin's fucking huge cigar that he said he bought but we think he stole from work.

Anyway, after getting home at 2:30am I decided that nothing would do but an oven roasted potatoe maybe with some spring onion and cheese.

So I threw the potatoe in at about 2:40 on 220 degrees and went and sat on the couch and threw the Borat DVD in to watch while my food cooked ever so slowly.

Next thing I knew it was 6:30am and my potatoes were in their chops. The TV was still on with Borat playing continuously and I was shocked that I had forgotten the oven on, no doubt wasting Eskom's very precious energy and a large amount of fossil fuel, contributing to the current gap in the ozone.

Well done Sean

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