As I attempt to write my sentence backwards in the hope that people think I am more intelligent than I am.
If you don't know anything about Cape Town's TBG then learn HERE or please leave. The TBG is like an institution made famous by 2oceansvibe.
Anyway, I took this photo on the 8th March this year current on Llandudno. I would have sent it to Seth, but it's obviously not of his face but you need to believe me here. You can clearly see though that it is the TBG. My friends Alain, Baz and Damian had no idea who he was and could not see why I was so excited when I saw him. They are now what we refer to as "dead".
But seriously, when he walked past, he turned to look around at the beach with that usual grin on his face as if to say "Fuck yeah, fucking right doggy, you KNOW I'm the TBG bitch!" He seriously has such an air of cool around him that he would easily put Maverick in Top Gun to shame.
The 8th March truly was a special day.
The world was once again graced by the presence of the TBG
Actually Sean,
There is another slightly lesser-known but infinitely more powerful TBG operating in Cape Town.
In a recent study by scientists at UCT, it was concluded that if Barry (the Token Black Guy) and 2oceansvibe's Tall Blonde Guy ever ended up in the same place, the resulting mesh of super-energy would cause a black hole, throwing the Earth back into the 60's.
Well how do we organise this then? God, can you imagine how crazy that would be?!!
My parent still won't let me know anything about what they did in the 60's, apparently it was that mad.
I must add that I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing Barry the TBG.
My day will come.
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