Thursday, March 01, 2007

Stray reader

Somebody just left a comment, which I did not hesitate to publish, on my February 3 post on Joost and Amor. This is the comment, to save you having to look for the article:

Hi Sean

You're a little snot-nose arrogant bastard with alot to learn in life. Get a life because you look and act like a real loser.

It was sent in by anonymous. I'm keeping a nice little dictionary of all the things people have called me. "Tit, doos, snot nosed arrogant bastard"

I fear this comment is from a link from my GQ letter. An enlightened person who has lived life to the full and knows the value of money, unlike myself and Mike. I do have a lot to learn in life actually. I'm only 21 after all. Did you know everything in life at 21? I bet you didn't, you devil you! Or it could be from an angry Bishops boy, reacting to my post on how we won the cricket. Seriously, there is no need for anonymity on this site. I'm Sean. Everyone else posts with their name. You can call me what you like and I take no offence, I am who I am. Ask the guys from Joblog, God, they called me every name under the sun. I don't hate them for it though. I like it, because they are not afraid to speak the truth. Should we not all be like that? Snot nose arrogant bastard or truth teller? I tell things as my mind sees them.

Also, the people who read this blog have a filter in their brain that filters all the crap out that I write. They know when I am joking. Let me know what makes you think I am arrogant and I will tell you if it's true.

Wait a second! Joost, are you the anonymous poster? YOU DEVIL! What a naughty boy. Or was it you Amor? Come on guys, funny funny!

Seriously, we are all chilled here. We all now know of Mike. Now let us know who you are.

Are you from SA? Whereabouts? Come on, we want to know this stuff. Seriously, once you realise that this site is a whole joke your views on me will change. Or maybe they won't.

Remember boys, take it easy

And in the words of Jerry "If it's easy take it home"

UPDATE: Please go to my February 3 post to read another one of "Anonymous" comments. I don't really have the time to copy and paste the comment, and I'm not really too interested either. Because in any case, I win. The whole game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is this std. 3 at the green school in pinelands? I thought you outgrew leaving nasty "anonymous" messages when you were about 7, or just after you learned to write. Grow some balls, if you want to knock the great man at least leave your name so we know who to laugh about at Forres when we spread the word about what a nob you are...
breathe mike breathe...