Friday, March 02, 2007

Bosch boy injured at cricket

A friend, Andre, let me know last night of more information coming from the Bishops cricket match. By now we all know that BOSCH won the game, by 41 runs. no surprise there really, being the highly tuned team that we are.

But clearly Bishops can't cope with this so someone decided to throw something at our crowd.

After the game when our boys went to sing the school song, a grade 8 learner was hit in the face when something was thrown onto the field as they walked back. Later on a padlock was found on the field.

Clearly it must have been the padlock that hit him, because there is no chance that the padlock sat on the field the entire game without anyone knowing. And seriously, who the fuck throws a padlock? It's easy to lose an eye that way and just plain stupid.

I guess money can't buy class.

Well I think Bosch win 2-0 here. One point for the win, and one point for keeping it classy.

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