Monday, March 05, 2007

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

Friday came round and it was agreed that Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas would be a damn good film to see. Funny enough, I have heard about it, I have heard about the book, I know about Hunter S Thompson but I have never seen the film, nor read the book. So I watched the film on Friday, and then went out on the weekend to find the book. No one seems to stock it so I ordered it on

The movie is just too bizarre, especially the opening scene where they think bats are flying around the car. Even better is a scene where he thinks that everyone is dinosaurs. They consume drugs like you won't believe, and the movie is all about excess. The crazy thing is, it looks so fun in the movie, but would probably kill you or me. God, they were completely mad.

If Hunter was like that, and from what I have read about him, he was, then he really is unique. How someones body puts up with so much abuse is beyond me. He reached his sixties, and then died because he shot himself. You can't believe that the drugs did not kill him. If a normal person had to re-create one day in his life, I have no doubt that they would die. I would.

It's one of those stories that is cool to see playing out, because it's something you can't really relate to. It's fun to watch, fun to see how some people lived and it's crazy that Hunter was actually paid to live so excessively. That was his job: being completely excessive and always drugged up.

You have to watch the film, but apparently it's better reading the book, to see the words Hunter put down on paper. I should be getting the book soon and will read it, then let you know. But as with the movie, it's something that can't be explained and you just have to see it for yourself.

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