I have always wondered about all these surveys that get done. Every month in Men's Health(Which by the way, I don't buy. You've seen the one you've seen 'em all. "Get ripped, fast" "Eat more, weigh less" "Better sex" "78 nutrition tips" Bullshit)
Anyway, I got the January issue free with my Argus registration pack and I knew the back page thing was a lie when I read this beauty:
Hollywood hottie that men would most enjoy filming a sex scene with: Salma Hayek
It's more like Salma Heck "Where the fuck did that crawl out of"
A quick look on Egotastic brought an image to my eyes that was not easy to look at on a post Argus Monday. As if the sun and wind did not punish my eyes enough yesterday.
Shit girl, you look horrendous!
Personally, for a sex scene I would have to go with someone like Jessica Biel, Anne Hathaway, or, by the beard of Zeus, Antonella Barba, an American Idol contestant. Yes, that really is her in the photo below and if we keep our fingers crossed there are talks of her appearing in Playboy.
Very nice indeed.

Don't forget to keep everyone posted on the Playboy thing.
Oh you know I will! There is a Post-it note above my computer on the wall reminding me. To be very honest, the thought of her in Playboy will probably consume a great deal of my very limited brainpower that I generate in a day until eventually she is in Hef's magazine. If Hef closes this deal, then he is THE man.
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