I don't think this movie has had the best reviews, but damn I enjoyed it! I don't like to give away details, but you need to watch it if only for some of the awesome shots that Mark "Fuck I'm a hard man" Wahlberg takes.
There is also a scene at the farmhouse where Mark and his mate absolutely annihilate everything in sight. They take it to the cleaners.
I must be honest, I think Mark Wahlberg is underrated. He is so awesome. First we knew him as Marky Mark, then he did the Calvin Klein underwear campaign, and once you have done that you win. He then played Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights, he played a rock star in Rock Star. Then he played Bobbie Mercer in Four Brothers where he also proceeded to fuck everyone in sight up. He is also an executive producer of Entourage and makes an appearance walking down the street in the first season.
Now he comes at us with Shooter. Crazy. He is actually one of the coolest actors around at the moment. And he is a big mother fucker. He has two guns which I'm guessing he has named "Lights" and "Out" Amazing. He gets properly beat in this film, but still kicks ass. We watched it at the Waterfront last night, then went for a drink at Quay Four and then went to Alba. Which is seemingly a gay bar. I never knew that. I was just waiting for some dude to walk up to me and be like "So how much you weigh?" Then I reply, "Why, you think you can pick me up?" Realising my monumental fuck up, I run out, leaving my cold brewski next to some dudes "Sex on the beach" cocktail. Crazy.
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