Please note, the next post will be our 300th.
300 posts of absolute rubbish, great.
I also say "celebs" because I can't say I really celebrate them.
Anyway back to this one. I think when I need to write something intelligent that I can. However, I just never think of writing anything intelligent. I just decided to though and came up with this topic in a few seconds. I am a genius.
I took the Colin Moss angle here because we used to see Colin all over the place. It was Fear Factor, then Idols, and at those times he was doing alright. He was OK. He then decided that he needed to cash in on his fame and punish the industry and get as much money out of it as he could. Look, I'm not writing this from the right point of view because I don't know what he is doing now, but we just never see him around anymore. I think he stuffed it up when he decided that he needed to become an actor. Some things should just never be attempted. I'm not going to try be a hero and attempt to make the SA rugby team. And so Colin should stay out of acting.
I never watched that muck movie he made, "Number 10", nor do I ever intend watching it. It's not my thing. I want to watch real actors. Colin was not cut from the same piece of cloth as Leonardo Di Caprio, and he should not pretend he was.
I think he completely lost his marbles when after training for Number 10, and chicks saying what good shape he was in, he decided to be a USN poster boy. No. Wrong career move son. I still remember his ad. He was chilling there, after just finishing boxing or something, with a bottle of USN EnerG and the line "Finally, a real sports drink"
If I want to know what a real sports drink is, I want to be hearing it from Ryk "The Bus" Neethling. Or Roland. Or Michael Phelps. Not Colin Moss, actor, MC, model, presenter, comedian etc etc.
It worries me when people try and be everything. Colin should stick to one career. He is a jack of all trades and a master of none. I have never heard his comedy but apparently it is particularly dismal.
Colin, to get your career back on track, stick to the TV thing. You were sometimes cheesy on Idols, but it was alright, we forgive you. Give up acting, comedy shows and whatever else you find yourself in. Advertise brands that you believe in and use.
Come now son, we know you can do it.
1 comment:
I abhore colin moss. He must be ended immediately. His 25th season of life should be cancelled by the broadcasters right now.
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