I think the rules for driving are quite simple. Don't be an idiot.
What we see here is car Number 1 wanting to make a right turn, across two lanes of heavy traffic. You can do this right turn on small roads, but not on a busy road at peak hour. Trying to do this at 5pm on Belvedere Road is going to make car Number 2(Me) flip. I don't care that you have until 6pm to get home. I don't. Plus the hour that I wait behind you while you try to make your turn wastes my petrol and contributes to global warming.
Honestly, what are you thinking trying to make such a turn? Inevitably, as soon as one lane of traffic stops the other starts again. In this situation you cannot win. And neither can I.
So turn left, fool.
This happens to me all the time, I get stuck behind a car trying to make this turn. I see it is going nowhere and as soon as I try to reverse and get out of there, some other fool pulls up right behind me, getting me stuck in some sort of twilight zone that I will never get out of.
It's quite odd really that people are willing to wait twenty minutes to make these turns. Do you have nothing better to do?
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