I love it how Sky News are going on about weed and how it can increase mental illness by up to 40%
I love these studies because the people doing them are old, they don't smoke, never have, and they don't really know what's cracking. If you want to know more about weed, speak to the people who smoke it.
I can hook you guys up with some of my friends.
Earlier on Sky News they were saying that smoking it once might mess you up, now they seem to have dropped that and this old chick is saying that smoking large amounts might affect you. Get the facts straight boys!
I know lots of people who still function while smoking various amounts and strengths of weed. The best thing to try do is hot a bong, then down a beer and do a shot of tequila...without exhaling! The results are hilarious!
Well...so I hear. You know...in the newspapers.
Anyway it reminds me of fear and Loathing in Las Vegas where Hunter Thompson thinks it is a joke that all these cops are coming together for a drug conference, when in actual fact they have no ideas what is going on. Speak to the drug users.
Same here. Speak to the people who smoke weed.
I always find it hilarious when these old people say things like "Chill with a spliff" as this old lady has just said. It's so cool! So funny as well if you watching it.
Look I'm sure we have all found ourselves in the unfortunate position of having "inhaled second hand smoke" as I would call it. We might have also been smoking the hubbly, and someone might have slipped some weed into it without us knowing.
You know...theoretically. The results are amusing as well.
I'm sure people do flip out, but the effects don't last that long(So I read in a Medical Journal)
I think they are making a big deal out of nothing.
By the way I saw Lieschen Botes at Tiger Tiger last night and decided to show her photo above. Good grief, she is amazing. I had to walk around doubled over the entire night, highly embarrassing naturally. And Victor Matfield was there with Schalk and Bryan Habana again on Tuesday. Odd considering it was a student night. Trying to pick up the young ones...tisk tisk boys.
You know I disapprove of that...