I actually meant to say this a while back, but I'm kind of finished work with this blog! I just decided today that I don't have much more to write. I am however working on new exciting things(No...really...I am) and therefore I don't have time to post here anymore.
It's been kind of fun, there were some good times, I wrote some bad stuff that might have been boring but hey...it happens.
However, if you would like me to contact you in connection with my new projects, please do send me an e-mail with the subject line "Keep me updated Partyboy" My e-mail address should be on the top of this page.
It's going to be fun!
Cheers for now
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Blackle- The eco friendly Google
I read an article a while back, might have been in The Sunday Times or something, saying that if Googles usual white screen were changed to black, it would save quite a fair amount of energy. I'm not going to go into it as it is all explained in the following links. I think it is quite interesting and I was intrigued, very intrigued. So now you can save the planet while Googling away your time. Or Blackling away your time at least. Here are the links to the article and to the new eco friendly Google:
And here, the energy saving Blackle!
Even though I have been gone for a bit, I come back with this wealth of knowledge!
That is how deep my love for all of you runs. In runs deep within my loins! I want to shout my love for you from the top of a mountain top! I want to touch you all! I want to kiss you!
Fuck what happened there? Why am I saying "Fuck"?
Why am I being blamed for everything?
I need to go now, I am losing the plot ever so gently here right in front of you.
You are actually reading this as I have written it and you are seeing how my vast writing talent is consuming itself right before your eyes. You are witnessing a great writer thrown into a vast pit of writers block.
See you all soon, will try update more often, but I'm not really finding the inspiration of late to write like I used to.
It seems I am a victim of my own success...What success you ask?
I have no idea what I'm talking about
Now go my little ones.
Go run in the fields and throw petunias into the air and listen to Eric Clapton.
That's what I'm about to do
And here, the energy saving Blackle!
Even though I have been gone for a bit, I come back with this wealth of knowledge!
That is how deep my love for all of you runs. In runs deep within my loins! I want to shout my love for you from the top of a mountain top! I want to touch you all! I want to kiss you!
Fuck what happened there? Why am I saying "Fuck"?
Why am I being blamed for everything?
I need to go now, I am losing the plot ever so gently here right in front of you.
You are actually reading this as I have written it and you are seeing how my vast writing talent is consuming itself right before your eyes. You are witnessing a great writer thrown into a vast pit of writers block.
See you all soon, will try update more often, but I'm not really finding the inspiration of late to write like I used to.
It seems I am a victim of my own success...What success you ask?
I have no idea what I'm talking about
Now go my little ones.
Go run in the fields and throw petunias into the air and listen to Eric Clapton.
That's what I'm about to do
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Bent it last night
What a debauched night we had at Wadda last night! The day had got off to a good start with me doing an upgrade on my cellphone and getting a Motorola Rizr. They also decided to throw in a Samsung digital video camera which was nice. This turned pear shaped after that when I went to Wadda and lost my old cellphone, losing all my photos and videos. FUCK!
No worries though, except now I have no numbers and I have to go to the Camel party tonight. I must make a mention of the manager at Wadda, who was quite helpful when I pointed out the guy who seemed to be stealing phones. He was walking around by himself, with no friends the entire night, and he had tried to grab a mates phone earlier in the night. The manager quickly summonsed some bouncers, and they took him out the club to check the situation out. They never found any phones on him, but I must say thanks to the manager, who was quick to help us out. Shot. I forget his name, as he told me it through a raucous, debauched noise of young girls and booze
Saw Breyton Paulse at Wadda, and I never came right. Not with him. Or any birds. That sucks. Wait...
What was impressive though was meeting some bird from San Francisco, awesome! No one should know her, and she should know no one, so I have a clean slate! YES! She even managed to get me into the VIP area, very sneaky of her. What a lovely lady! It's embarrassing because I have now forgotten her name, but she got my number(I could not get hers because my phone was already gone)
The most hilarious thing I heard last night, or any night, was from this one girl I know. I was shimmying across the dance floor when she said to me "I hate MEN!"
What? Where did that come from? Why do we deserve this?
This whole post is actually not a lie, even though it may sound it. But I saw Seth from 20ceansvibe there, and when I saw him in the club, I immediately recalled an article he wrote that says something about asking chicks if they are down to earth. So I actually used it last night!
There were these two girls standing around, and I have seen them out a couple of times before and they never seem to speak to anyone. So I went up to the one girl(Who I now know is Bianca) and asked her "Sorry, but are you quite down to earth?" She smiled and said "Yes"
Thinking to Seth's article, I knew this was her attempt top make out as though she is down to earth, even though she isn't. So I looked at her and said "No, I don't believe you"
I then walked off.
Later on in the night I went up to her friend, who was sitting upstairs at a table and said to her "Sorry, are you quite down to earth?" She gave me a smile and a "Yes"
So I said "I don't believe you" I eventually got chatting to her and asked her if she was from Cape Town and if she modelled, because then I know why she is so arrogant. As Cape Town models are. Turns out she is originally from London, and moved here like 18 years ago. Very naughty!
It turned out to be a cracker of a night, other than my phone being stolen. Even my younger cousin came out, and he knew some FIT little girls. Nice connections there son. Hook a brother up.
Anyway, I will try find that post about being down to earth on 2oceans, and will put the link here.
Love you all
No worries though, except now I have no numbers and I have to go to the Camel party tonight. I must make a mention of the manager at Wadda, who was quite helpful when I pointed out the guy who seemed to be stealing phones. He was walking around by himself, with no friends the entire night, and he had tried to grab a mates phone earlier in the night. The manager quickly summonsed some bouncers, and they took him out the club to check the situation out. They never found any phones on him, but I must say thanks to the manager, who was quick to help us out. Shot. I forget his name, as he told me it through a raucous, debauched noise of young girls and booze
Saw Breyton Paulse at Wadda, and I never came right. Not with him. Or any birds. That sucks. Wait...
What was impressive though was meeting some bird from San Francisco, awesome! No one should know her, and she should know no one, so I have a clean slate! YES! She even managed to get me into the VIP area, very sneaky of her. What a lovely lady! It's embarrassing because I have now forgotten her name, but she got my number(I could not get hers because my phone was already gone)
The most hilarious thing I heard last night, or any night, was from this one girl I know. I was shimmying across the dance floor when she said to me "I hate MEN!"
What? Where did that come from? Why do we deserve this?
This whole post is actually not a lie, even though it may sound it. But I saw Seth from 20ceansvibe there, and when I saw him in the club, I immediately recalled an article he wrote that says something about asking chicks if they are down to earth. So I actually used it last night!
There were these two girls standing around, and I have seen them out a couple of times before and they never seem to speak to anyone. So I went up to the one girl(Who I now know is Bianca) and asked her "Sorry, but are you quite down to earth?" She smiled and said "Yes"
Thinking to Seth's article, I knew this was her attempt top make out as though she is down to earth, even though she isn't. So I looked at her and said "No, I don't believe you"
I then walked off.
Later on in the night I went up to her friend, who was sitting upstairs at a table and said to her "Sorry, are you quite down to earth?" She gave me a smile and a "Yes"
So I said "I don't believe you" I eventually got chatting to her and asked her if she was from Cape Town and if she modelled, because then I know why she is so arrogant. As Cape Town models are. Turns out she is originally from London, and moved here like 18 years ago. Very naughty!
It turned out to be a cracker of a night, other than my phone being stolen. Even my younger cousin came out, and he knew some FIT little girls. Nice connections there son. Hook a brother up.
Anyway, I will try find that post about being down to earth on 2oceans, and will put the link here.
Love you all
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Lieschen- Very, shall we say "Homegrown"

I love it how Sky News are going on about weed and how it can increase mental illness by up to 40%
I love these studies because the people doing them are old, they don't smoke, never have, and they don't really know what's cracking. If you want to know more about weed, speak to the people who smoke it.
I can hook you guys up with some of my friends.
Earlier on Sky News they were saying that smoking it once might mess you up, now they seem to have dropped that and this old chick is saying that smoking large amounts might affect you. Get the facts straight boys!
I know lots of people who still function while smoking various amounts and strengths of weed. The best thing to try do is hot a bong, then down a beer and do a shot of tequila...without exhaling! The results are hilarious!
Well...so I hear. You know...in the newspapers.
Anyway it reminds me of fear and Loathing in Las Vegas where Hunter Thompson thinks it is a joke that all these cops are coming together for a drug conference, when in actual fact they have no ideas what is going on. Speak to the drug users.
Same here. Speak to the people who smoke weed.
I always find it hilarious when these old people say things like "Chill with a spliff" as this old lady has just said. It's so cool! So funny as well if you watching it.
Look I'm sure we have all found ourselves in the unfortunate position of having "inhaled second hand smoke" as I would call it. We might have also been smoking the hubbly, and someone might have slipped some weed into it without us knowing.
You know...theoretically. The results are amusing as well.
I'm sure people do flip out, but the effects don't last that long(So I read in a Medical Journal)
I think they are making a big deal out of nothing.
By the way I saw Lieschen Botes at Tiger Tiger last night and decided to show her photo above. Good grief, she is amazing. I had to walk around doubled over the entire night, highly embarrassing naturally. And Victor Matfield was there with Schalk and Bryan Habana again on Tuesday. Odd considering it was a student night. Trying to pick up the young ones...tisk tisk boys.
You know I disapprove of that...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Don't do this
No seriously, don't type "Vida Guerra" into Google Image search.
I never advocate this type of stuff, and so you should not do it.
Seriously, don't.
I warned you
I never advocate this type of stuff, and so you should not do it.
Seriously, don't.
I warned you
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What an hilarious week!
Well not really, but quite a stupid one.
In sad news, for me at least, Alexandre Vinokourov has been found guilty of blood doping in the Tour de France. Every year it seems, since Lance Armstrong has left the tour, the tour gets even worse. It's reputation must now literally be in the gutter. What I don't understand is how these guys can still dope knowing that they will be caught. It's the world biggest bike race, for FUCK SAKES! Are these guys that stupid? To me these guys who use drugs are amongst the most stupid people on the planet. And yesterday I was so excited that Alexandre won, and now he goes and messes it up by failing his drug test which is from last Saturday. His whole team has quit the Tour and he has trashed his name. After so many years of good cycling, he has ruined his name and career in one swift drug test. Well done, that's awesome: Read the story HERE
In other news you may already know that Britney Spears seems to be on tik, or crack, or diesel or something. Because she is all fucked up! Those are the only words to describe it! And it seemed like just yesterday that I was reading on 20ceansvibe an article entitled "Britney about to go bonkers again" and a sentence saying "I think we're in for a cracker this time round" How correct Seth!
Her latest stint had her reportedly wiping grease on a Gucci dress after eating chicken. She is also reported to have picked up her dog's shit with a Chanel dress.
I actually love it! We are in for a cracker indeed! Britney seems to have totally lost it now, she may as well move to Moscow. You know, get away from it all for a while. Even that tool ex-husband-white-trash-singing-wannabe- bitch seems to be in better shape than her. Oooooh...can you imagine what a mess her child is going to be! Considering that both her parents HATE to abuse the drugs! Shame poor child...his mom once was hot, she once was stable in her life, and she once had people loving her. Now she is cooked, from the inside out. Good work Britter, you crazy bee-atch.
Lindsay Lohan was arrested again a few days ago for drunk driving, and having a bit of cocaine on her. And I think maybe driving on a suspeded licence. Crack-ho. Nothing new there then, fairly regular story. Will they tell us when she is NOT on drugs, because that will be news.
This week is blowing my mind into a million pieces. It's all too much for me right now, I'm going to go sit down, relax and take this all in. If that is at all possible.
Read the train wreck of Britney Spears HERE
In sad news, for me at least, Alexandre Vinokourov has been found guilty of blood doping in the Tour de France. Every year it seems, since Lance Armstrong has left the tour, the tour gets even worse. It's reputation must now literally be in the gutter. What I don't understand is how these guys can still dope knowing that they will be caught. It's the world biggest bike race, for FUCK SAKES! Are these guys that stupid? To me these guys who use drugs are amongst the most stupid people on the planet. And yesterday I was so excited that Alexandre won, and now he goes and messes it up by failing his drug test which is from last Saturday. His whole team has quit the Tour and he has trashed his name. After so many years of good cycling, he has ruined his name and career in one swift drug test. Well done, that's awesome: Read the story HERE
In other news you may already know that Britney Spears seems to be on tik, or crack, or diesel or something. Because she is all fucked up! Those are the only words to describe it! And it seemed like just yesterday that I was reading on 20ceansvibe an article entitled "Britney about to go bonkers again" and a sentence saying "I think we're in for a cracker this time round" How correct Seth!
Her latest stint had her reportedly wiping grease on a Gucci dress after eating chicken. She is also reported to have picked up her dog's shit with a Chanel dress.
I actually love it! We are in for a cracker indeed! Britney seems to have totally lost it now, she may as well move to Moscow. You know, get away from it all for a while. Even that tool ex-husband-white-trash-singing-wannabe- bitch seems to be in better shape than her. Oooooh...can you imagine what a mess her child is going to be! Considering that both her parents HATE to abuse the drugs! Shame poor child...his mom once was hot, she once was stable in her life, and she once had people loving her. Now she is cooked, from the inside out. Good work Britter, you crazy bee-atch.
Lindsay Lohan was arrested again a few days ago for drunk driving, and having a bit of cocaine on her. And I think maybe driving on a suspeded licence. Crack-ho. Nothing new there then, fairly regular story. Will they tell us when she is NOT on drugs, because that will be news.
This week is blowing my mind into a million pieces. It's all too much for me right now, I'm going to go sit down, relax and take this all in. If that is at all possible.
Read the train wreck of Britney Spears HERE
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